I was lucky enough to go the the Best Workshop Ever this weekend. Kris and Oz, owners of the fantastic Ball & Skein & More in Cambria, California, combined their talents as crazy-fun hosts with Gwen Bortner’s excellent instruction style. The result? An intensive workshop sandwiched between sociable wining and dining.

Gwen Bortner, Cambria, knitting workshop, Ball & Skein & More


Gwen’s workshop had something for everyone. The new skill for me? Using plastic canvas to add structure to a project. The pace of instruction made it so we could follow along, without getting overwhelmed. And we ended up with a versatile, cute little project at the end (or at least one we could finish up at home).

Gwen’s teaching style is clear, and she makes it a lot of fun.

Gwen Bortner, knitting workshop, Camria, Ball & Skein & More
Clear instructions. And plenty of laughter along the way

For people coming from out of town, the workshop included accommodations at the Cambria Pines Lodge. It was the perfect location. It’s beautiful, set in the pines overlooking the village of Cambria. We had our own dedicated room for the workshop, and our own dining room as well. Kris and Oz greeted us at breakfast every morning.

Oz Barron, knitting workshop, Camria, Ball & Skein & More
Oz starts the day with  his breakfast wave

Kris welcomed us into the shop Friday night for a special shopping spree. While most people ended up with armloads of gorgeous hand-dyed yarn, I finally gave in to temptation and bought a set of Addi Clicks lace needles – the ones with the very cool slit in the cord for carrying a life line.

The meals in our Very Own Dining Room gave the students a chance to get to know each other. On Saturday, we were treated to an extraordinary dinner at the local Madeline’s restaurant. Not only was the food and camaraderie fantastic, but we got to learn about Oz’s talents with a blow torch. If you want to find out what THAT was all about, you’re just going to have to come to the workshop yourself next year!