For the beautiful yarn that Adrienne spun, I turned to one of my all-time favorite patterns from Candi Jensen’s book Knit Scarves. The Woven Knit pattern uses slipped stitches to form a fabric that looks, well, woven.
I like both sides of this scarf. And need I say more about the colors? Adrienne tells me the roving is called “Alpine”, by Mountain Colors.
Many thanks to my amazing nephew Neil for taking these photos. If like photography, you can check out Neil’s Flickr photostream. You’re in for a treat!
Adrienne can be found on Ravelry as Truffle. I feel lucky to have such a talented, kind and interesting friend as a co-conspirator in all things knitterly!
What a beautiful use of that yarn Audrey! Your scarf is amazing and the pics of you are soo pretty! 🙂
Thanks, Audrey! You look great in these photos. What a fantastic job you did on the scarf, too!
I love the woven look, too. Very nice. Mountain Colors makes the most beautiful colorways! I have a few laying around that I just can’t decide on what they want to become so I just touch them and hug them. LOL.
Beautiful scarf, Audrey. There’s nothing like having a good knitting friend!
You photography beautifully, Audrey, and you should be included in more of your photos. Your choice of pattern for the yarn couldn’t be more complimentary to the colors.
Thanks for the kind words, Truffle. Let’s just say that I’m indebted to my nephew for showing me Lightrooms’s skin softening tool (otherwise known as a wrinkle eraser). And anybody would look good next to the gorgeous yarn you spun!